The Las Vegas housing market continues to sizzle in 2021. The median price of a single family home was $295,000 in August 2020. Currently, the median price if a single family home, as of July 2021, is $385,000, it has increased $90,000 in less…
We are very happy with the result of our company truck wrap. It was designed by Wrapmate, a Colorado company, and applied by a local company here in Las Vegas.
It is a beautiful design. Pulling up to our inspections in this great company…
This is a great question, especially considering how hot the summer months in the valley can be. Air Conditioning manufacturers recommend that homeowners have their units serviced annually. But in Las Vegas, many experts recommend two annual tune-ups. One before the hot summer season, and the other right after. The reason for this is pretty straightforward: Las Vegas experiences extremely hot summer temperatures 16:10:312021-05-12 15:52:14How often does my A/C Unit need to be serviced in Las Vegas?
At Fruitful Home Inspections we do not recommend waiving a home inspection for any reason. As a homebuyer you are taking on a major investment, and spending a lot of your hard earned money to do so. Why not have that peace of mind about your… 17:32:392021-05-12 15:52:58Thinking of waiving a home inspection?
As we enter into the hot Vegas summer months, one luxury that makes the brutal three digit temperatures bearable is a pool. But how safe is yours, especially for your children?
Here is a simple list of safety features that you should have to keep your pool from becoming a danger to your family. 16:09:222021-05-12 15:53:26Is your pool safe?